25 June 2007

Challenging Darth Cheney

Finally, Rahm Emanuel has some stones.

All for a kiss?

This is just downright hypocritical.

08 June 2007

Senator Lynne Cheney?

When I read this, I was like, "Oh hell no!"

04 June 2007


Maybe they didn't want to answer for this.

26 May 2007

Immigration Judges, another tool of the GOP.

Oh man, this is too much. First the rendition, then the wiretapping, then the prosecutor purge, and now this. How much more do we have to take before we get pissed off ?!

27 April 2007

Wow, what a week. Six interviews, and a seventh today! I hope I get a job soon. Oh and the weather has been odd to say the least. From 86 degrees on Monday to downpours today. Amazing.

24 April 2007

Karl Rove

Courtesy of Josh Marshall and the guys at Talking Points Memo. Rove is in it big time. Let's see how the White House spins this.

17 April 2007

Virginia Tech

What happened at Virginia Tech, as tragic as it was, can only be seen as anticlimatic. A talented young man who fell prey to America's glorification of violence and and guns. Everytime I hear of these things, I cannot help but wonder how the NRA and anti-gun control advocates can say that "Guns don't kill. People kill." but stay silent when tragedies like these break out.

12 April 2007

I dedicate this entry to Kurt Vonnegut. May he rest in peace.

Well, Don Imus did it again. Last week , he referred to the RU Lady Scarlet Knights (the 2007 NCAA women's basketball runners-up) as "nappy-headed ho's". What steams me about this is how he can say that he's sorry when he has been saying shit like this for decades, and this is but the latest in a series of outrageous comments that he and his ilk on the right have made. In September 2005, William Bennett, Reagan's former Secretary of Education and George H.W. Bush's Drug Czar, said that if you want to see a reduction in crime, we should "abort black babies." A few weeks after last year's midterm elections, Glenn Beck asked the Representative-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN) "to prove that he wasn't working with our enemies." (Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to the House of Representatives. He is also Minnesota's first black congressman. Beck would go on to say that the word faggot is a "naughty word", not a true epithet. Ann Coulter a few weeks ago at the American Conservative Union's CPAC referred to presidential hopeful John Edwards as a "faggot". While I am glad that MSNBC is no longer doing the simulcast of his show, I want CBS and WFAN to cut their ties with him as well, and send a message to those like Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, and Boortz. You are free to speak as you please, but be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.

03 April 2007

Well, April is here. Warm weather, baseball, and all that fun stuff. And of course the showdown in the White House. The Chimp has already said that he will veto any bill to bring the troops back, and with 150 House Republicans backing him, The Dems in the Senate, led by Reid and Feingold, have a plan B, which Kerry and presidential longshot Chris Dodd have backed, calling for an end to funding the war. This is what I am talking about.

21 March 2007

Showdown in the White House

This should be fun. I wonder how long Bush will be in office.

16 March 2007

Sago, One year later

Tell me why I should be surprised. The Bush regime has shown no respect for anyone except its cronies.

23 February 2007

Suze Orman

Check out the NY Times on Sunday, for an article on financial guru Suze Orman. It is quite the read.

20 February 2007

A National Shame

What does it say about our country that we cannot even maintain the best hospital in the US military? I urge everyone to read this article and ask your congressmen to speak up about this.

08 February 2007

John Amaechi

Seven former male athletes have come out, with the latest being John Amaechi, who played collegiate ball at Penn State and professionally for the Magic and Jazz before the Knicks released him in 2004. While it is commendable to have gay men coming out, I am hardly surprised. Partly because of the rumors swirling around his sexuality for years. But it is doubly hard given his heritage. (Amaechi is half Nigerian) in a sport that is predominately Black.

29 January 2007

This is a sad day for America. First the USA Patriot Act. Then the wiretapping. Next the Military Commissions Act. Now this. Courtesy of the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/30/washington/30rules.html?hp&ex=1170133200&en=f7bdc9f4cbb28c31&ei=5094&partner=homepage

26 January 2007

The New Radical Republicans

Now that the Democrats are in charge on Capitol Hill, they have backed the Repubicans into a corner, and lik any cornered animal, they will find a way to lash out. Which they did yesterday when they tried to pass a different minimum wage bill with tax breaks for small businesses. I am so sick of these scumbags who have so beholden to the big corporations. Some of those that voted against the House-sponsored bill include a few up for re-eection in 2008, such as Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Thad Cochran (R-MS), John Sununu (R-NH), and Mike Enzi (R-WY). Shameless bastards.

15 January 2007

It's Dr. King's birthday, and I see my people not much better off now than they were almost 40 years ago. I see black men incarcerated at a rate higher than the rest of the country, black families ravaged by poverty, cities assaulted by lack of oppurtunity. What has our country become? Empty. That is what it is becoming.

Yesterday, presidential hopeful John Edwards (my #1 choice for US President) spoke at the famous Riverside Church in Manhattan. And from what I have heard ad read, gave a speech that was infused with the legacy of the Dr. King and what he stood for. And I see a Democratic party willing to work for the people, as Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are passing legislation to raise the minimum wage to $7.50/hr., push for stem-cell research, a security bill that incorporate the recommendation of the 9-11 commission, cutting the interest rates of student loans, and a new law that would allow the federal government and Medicare to negotiate for lower prices. Amazing. They did more in 100 hours than the 109th Congress had done all of last year.

04 January 2007

So we have a brand new Congress, but Bush is still up to his old tricks. Now it comes out that one of his signing statements he is going after American mail. The source of this info....front page of the NY Daily News.

01 January 2007

Yesterday, 2006. Today 2007. Happy New Year World. Let it be a year dedicated to justice, peace, democracy, and love. Let it be the year that liberals, leftists, and progressives continue the daunting task of speaking truth to power and making the world a little bit better each day.